All posts tagged news

Yoke Doffed

The A to Z Challenge is over. (Click the link if you missed one or a bunch.) Some of your reactions and suggestions were simply amazing. No, not that Friday Follies kind of amazing. The I never really thought the M3 Readers would think of it that way kind of amazing.

Detour And Back

Based on the growth of our audience, we are not going to begin the next series with this post. There is far too much information to process based on the Talk Tuesday conversation. As always, you have provided some amazing material for me to research and digest into palatable pieces. We shall not, however, have […]

Saturday Evening Post

What a week! Between the trolls & stalkers and the visitors & commenters, it has been an exciting ride. Certainly, we will not rehash every detail. Just for kicks, we are going to discuss horns and hooves and forked things.

The 15th Day of Christmas

So, I was doing what I always do, when it was time to check the comments and emails. And what to my wondering eyes did appear?

It Is All About The Numbers

7,049 2,137 366 51 10 1 1,000,000 What do these numbers have in common? (Cue Jeopardy music) BUZZ! Oops, out of time. As your parting gift…I will tell you. 7,049 This is the number of visits M3 has gotten in its infant career. Judging from polls of my colleagues, this is not too shabby.  Three […]